What I offer isn't a "quick fix" or "one size fits all" approach. I tailor treatment to individual needs based on extensive personal and clinical experience as well as professional trainings.

People often ask me how I came to do what I do. It's not an easy question, but like any story there is always a beginning. I have been living through transitions, losses and questions of identity since I can remember. I see the work that I do as a English speaking psychotherapist in Berlin not as a career but as a calling. The question of psychological healing and how to live a good life occupy my mind daily. These fuel my quest to discover myself and understand the life that I am living as well as to support each individual and couple that I am privileged to work with.
After I finished my clinical training and Masters in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy at the world renowned Tavistock and Portman Trust in North London, I moved to Germany where I currently practice as a therapist in Mitte Berlin and London, with individuals and couples. I founded The Primrose Practice in 2011 to be able to work with people, who for all sorts of unique and varying reasons, come to see me when their suffering becomes too much.

Areas of Special Focus:
- Anxiety and depressive disorders
- Attachment therapy
- Eating disorders
- Body dysmorphia
- Grief counselling
- Trauma therapy
- Gender non-conformity
- Neurodivergence (ASD, ADHD)
- Couple’s counselling in English
Certifications, Degrees, and Experience
I am dedicated to continued learning. As well as taking part in additional trainings, I attend seminars and events relevant to my clinical practice. I have learned from some of the most respected and experienced mental health professionals in my field.
Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie
Berlin Gesundheitsamt
Accredited Coach for Executive Functioning
Connections in Mind
MA Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, London
Founder of The Primrose Practice
Private Practice Mitte, Berlin and London
The Recover Clinic-Senior Therapist and Group Facilitator
Private Practice London